One of the most challenging parts of the Civil Service Exam is the set of Paragraph Organization questions. More often than not, most examinees also find this to be the MOST TIME-CONSUMING since you will have to read several sets of five or six long sentences. To lessen the difficulty of this part of the CSE, you should use this GOLDEN RULE - scan and USE YOUR OPTIONS. Use the choices as your guide as you go through the following TIPS and TRICKS in answering PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION questions (or, as what others call it - Questions on Parajumbled Sentences) TRICK #1: Find the OPENING SENTENCE The opening sentence is usually - but not always - the MAIN TOPIC of the paragraph. That means all the other sentences either talk about it or simply support it. Ask yourself - what exactly is being talked about in this paragraph? The opening sentence can also be an introduction. It may be a sentence which talks about something in general and then, all the other sent...
Civil Service Exam Guide : Information, Tips and Tricks, Lessons, Reviewer
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